Be Your Own Muse

muse: a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative art

inspiration: the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

Imagine, for a moment, that you are… I don’t know… holding a 60 second plank. Or running a 5K race. Or maybe climbing up a steep mountain. At the halfway point - 30 seconds into that plank, at the sign post indicating you’re halfway through your run or up that mountain… what is your first thought? For so many of us, it’s likely something along the lines of “WHAT?!?! Only halfway done??” Maybe with an expletive (or two) thrown in for some emphasis.

But let me ask you another question.

What do you do next?

It’s easy to get caught up in your initial gut reaction. To listen to the little voice speaking out of fear and doubt. But that doesn’t have to be the sole guidance for choosing your response.

So let’s take this a step further. You had your initial reaction but you’ve chosen to respond by pushing through. By going forward.

How do you keep yourself going? What’s your motivation? Your drive? Your inspiration?

Here’s the thing. For most of us, we draw that inspiration from others, or from some external source. From the people around us, physically or virtually, who are completing similar feats of strength or endurance. From influencers, athletes or celebrities we see doing amazing things. We do it (whatever “it” might be) for our friends and family who are cheering us on or to whom we have made commitments about our work and progress.

But what if, just for a moment, you let your inspiration come not from the outside… but from yourself?


You’re halfway through. Notice I didn’t say “only” halfway through. You have already accomplished what you still have left to complete. And if, even for a brief moment, you can let go of your fear, lower the volume on the naysayer in your brain, you can realize… that’s… kinda awesome. It’s energizing. It’s… inspiring. You’ve shown yourself that you can do this. Look! You already have! Now do the same thing again. Because you can. You’ve already proven to yourself (and to anyone watching, but they’re not our focus right now) that you are strong, determined and capable. And you can draw strength from that.

And, just so you know, this self inspiration is not, as in these examples, limited to physical activities.

Just like you can run that race and climb that mountain, so can you recover. And heal. And become. Because you already have, even just a little bit.

You have survived 100% of the days that have led you to where you are right now. You have learned and grown. You have experienced and endured. You have met countless people and heard countless stories that have helped you to see the world as the varied, complex place that it is. And even on the hardest days, even through the darkest nights, you have kept going. So you already know that you are strong enough, determined enough, capable enough, WORTHY enough, to make it through the next challenge. You don’t have to see the whole picture, you only have to remember that every time you’ve told yourself to get up just one more time… you’ve made it through. And that is something special.

Why do we always default to needing our inspiration to come from some place, source or person separate from or outside of ourselves? Is it because we don’t trust ourselves? Is it because we don’t think we are worthy or special enough to be seen as inspiring? Is it because maybe it feels a little… self centered to let ourselves inspire ourselves?

Let me tell you right now that there is someone in this world at this moment who wants to be where you are. To learn what you’ve learned. To accomplish what you’ve accomplished. Maybe it’s someone you know well or maybe it’s a stranger who only saw you for a brief moment. You inspire others to greatness. And now it’s time that you allow yourself to do the same.

You do not have to outsource your inspiration. Inside of you are deep wells of purpose and passion, of creativity and courage. You are an endless source of power and strength, capable of changing the world.

Draw inspiration from what you’ve accomplished. From your experiences. From the growth and knowledge you have gained in every step, every struggle, every moment that has brought you to where you are. Inspire yourself with your successes. Inspire yourself with the courage you have shown to try again after failure.

It is neither selfish nor self centered to inspire yourself. And to be proud to do so.

And in case you needed the reminder while you practice, just know that you already inspire me.


Unscripted: Unleashing Inner Freedom.


Leaning In