HOPE for the Holidays

In a year that has been unprecedented and unpredictable, you, Vibe Tribe, have made it to December.  It’s hard to believe that we have made it to the final month of this singularly unique year.

Symbolically, December represents both endings and beginnings - the end of the year and the beginning of a new season. The end of the shortening of days and the beginning of the road towards the reawakening of the world around us. The month is usually full of hustle and bustle, festivities and gatherings, holidays and hope.

This, Tribe, is where we are focusing our energy this December: HOPE. This season, we are full of hope for what is to come - for our studio, for our community, for our families, for our friends and for the world around us.

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Hope can be defined as a feeling of expectation, or a desire for a specific, positive outcome.  It encompasses a feeling of trust, optimism and even confidence. Hope usually implies improvement and betterment of circumstance or conditions, and can often motivate us to take steps towards our desired situation.

Hope is associated with increased happiness, better achievement and performance, and a greater sense of agency within our own lives. And we believe that this is something we all could benefit from, especially now.

Even in these trying times, hope can see us through.

So join us, Vibe Tribe, as we focus on HOPE.

Hope for each other.

Hope for this world

Hope for the Holidays.


Musings on HOPE – How Do We Get There?


Appreciating People Who Don’t Think Like Us