Be a Beginner Everyday

All my life, I’ve considered myself something of a hobby-hopper. Jack of all trades, master of none.

I took ballet. Jazz. Gymnastics.

I took art lessons - painting, sculpting, pottery.

I played the piano.

I tried stained glass. I tried calligraphy.

I dabbled in sports.

I tested the waters with theater - a few years behind the scenes, a few years on the stage.

I tried to be a food blogger.

I taught myself knitting. And crocheting.

I tried gardening. I started running.

In short, I’ve tried a lot of things.


We live in a world that tells us that our goal is perfection. Mastery. That if we are going to try something, we need to become experts in it - whatever it is, whatever it takes.

But what if I were to tell you that… I never wanted or expected to become an expert or pro in any of the these things? That part of the joy that I find in doing things is actually in the learning. I know that so many people work hard to become experts in their field - whether that’s their occupation or hobby. But me? I actually love being a beginner.

We hear it said all the time that knowledge is power. That knowledge will set you free.  And don’t get me wrong - it absolutely can be. But knowledge can also be a burden. A blinder. A limitation. Sometimes it is that same knowledge that holds you back from the best solution. From growth. From true progress.

There is a misconception that being a beginner is something to hide, perhaps even something about which to be embarrassed. But what if we flipped the script and embraced the true courage and beauty of being a beginner?  It takes real strength to step out of your comfort zone and try something new.  And it takes courage to give ourselves the space to start - and the grace to take the steps needed to learn.

There are some people to whom things come easily. They get straight A’s without studying. They can play music by ear with minimal practice. They can pick up choreography and effortlessly float through their movements. And those are amazing and admirable talents. But I have just as much respect - if not more - for the people for whom it does not come easily. For the people who stumble, who falter, and who struggle through - yet who keep on trying. For the people who proudly show their first effort rather than hide it away, wishing it matched the work of the masters. 

Being, learning and thinking like a beginner should not be limited to times when you are actually a beginner. The beginner mindset is a hugely helpful tool in problem solving and in creative thinking. 

You see, the problem with being an expert in something… is that you think you know everything. And… while being an expert certainly means that you know a LOT about something, life doesn’t always follow the rules. And sometimes things don’t work out or behave exactly like the textbooks or self-help books lead us to believe that they should.

Then what??

That’s when you need to set aside everything you think you know and start over. To once again think like a beginner. Because the expectation born of “expertise” can cloud us to what is in front of us. 

A beginners mindset requires openness and a willingness to let go of preconceptions and expectations. It allows for infinite possibilities and limitless opportunity. For a beginner, anything is possible. When we free ourselves from what we think we know, we open ourselves to the what is truly possible.

So tell me - how can you be a beginner today?


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Our Resurrection: Living Awake.