Free Your VIBE

Hard to believe, but today marks the first day of the second half of 2021! 

The last year and a half have brought an unimaginable amount of change to the world, and, if you’re anything like me, you’ve spent the majority of that time trying to wrap your head around everything. We’ve had to adjust the way we work, shop, communicate, celebrate milestones, grieve, raise our kids and interact with our community. 

As we begin to emerge into this brave, new world, we have a new challenge. This time has deeply affected us in ways that we can’t even begin to comprehend - in ways that we might not even realize until enough time has passed to allow us the distance to view it clearly. But this presents us with an opportunity, and one that I hope we will all embrace.

Yes, these circumstances have changed us. 

Now it is time to embrace our true selves. And now, today, this new month, is the perfect time to start.

July is a month of heat, a month of celebration, a month of independence and a month of freedom.

Symbolically, July speaks to the radiant glory of summer. And here at Vibe Vault Fit, we want to spend this month celebrating the radiant glory of YOU!

So your challenge is this - let’s explore just who it is that we have become and uncover the essence of our authentic selves. 


It is no easy feat - we have been trained from our earliest days to filter our true selves in order to be “presentable” to others and to fit in. We hide the pieces of ourselves that we fear will be rejected by others… or even by ourselves.  We keep ourselves busy so that we don’t have to face the parts of ourselves that we don’t like, and we put on a show to be who we think is needed in any given situation.

And the events of the last year have compounded this. We have taken “fake it ‘til you make it” to a whole new level. We pretend to be strong for our families and friends. We act like these changes haven’t turned our whole lives upside down. We push down the stress and anxiety and put a smile on our face so that the world will think everything is okay.

We have forgotten who we really are.

Now is the time to remember.

Unburden your soul and reacquaint yourself with who you are and who you truly can become. 

Here are four strategies to help you start:

  1. Get curious. Ask questions the way you did when you were a child. Try new things. Seek new experiences. Don’t assume you know what you’ll like or what the outcome will be.

  2. Get creative. Draw. Doodle. Sing. Write. Cook. Doesn’t matter what - just create something. Without judgement. Without expectations. Engage the different parts of your brain and explore where they take you - and what connects with you!

  3. Get moving. Our bodies and minds are interconnected. Give yourself time to be in your body - to move it in different ways. Dance. Jump. Walk. Feel your body and how it moves and how it feels when it does.

  4. Tell your truth. Tell it to yourself. Tell it to your tribe. You can’t live authentically when you are living inside of a false narrative. Allow yourself the truth of your history. The truth of your feelings. The truth of your experience. Use that truth to move forward and to set yourself free.

The journey back to yourself is a process. Be kind to yourself along the way. Let go of the “shoulds” that have held you back and the judgements that you have placed on yourself. 

Remember who you are. Remember that your true self is always there, whispering a gentle reminder that you are safe. Take a moment. Take a breath. Breathe in. Exhale and remind yourself “I am here.”

Now is your time to shine like those fireworks we’ll be watching this weekend. Shine so brightly that you remind the whole world just how beautiful it is to be authentic and real, bright and true.

Let’s reconnect with our truth, embrace our power and Free our VIBE!


Becoming Free: Cultivating Inner Freedom


Both Can Be True: Four Words That Can Transform Your Relationships.