A Brand New Way to Vibe!

Welcome to October, Vibe Tribe, and welcome to our brand new blog!

We are so excited to create new channels of communication to stay connected with our Tribe. Keep it locked here for studio updates, wellness discussions, and maybe even a little bit of fun or inspiration for your weeks!

The start of a new month felt like the perfect time to begin, and what a month to start with!

October is a special month, and we can’t wait to celebrate every aspect of it with you.

It’s officially Autumn, and the cooler temperatures, falling leaves and beauty of the season seem to be calling out to us. This month is full of the wonder of nature, with the changing scenery putting on a powerful performance for us every time we walk out the door. The splendor of October is unique, and so, Tribe, are you!

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This month we are taking our cue from the beauty and power of nature and we will work to discover, recognize and OWN that very same power within ourselves.

But remember, Vibe Tribe, October also encourages us to rediscover our playful side and reintroduce ourselves to our very own inner child. Whether that means jumping in a pile of freshly raked leaves or planning the perfect Halloween celebration, the power of play cannot be denied. So as we explore our power, we will work to reconnect with ourselves through play.

October is also National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We are proud to partner with the Domestic Violence Center of Chester County, and will use this month to help spread awareness of the impact of domestic violence on our community and world. We hope that through this awareness, we can build empowerment and help prevent, reduce and remedy domestic violence.

Keep your eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as our website, for updates and announcements of all of the events and activities that we have planned for this month. We have so many playful ways to stay connected and empowered all month long!

So join us all month long as we embark on this journey of empowerment and play, of discovery and connection, and stay tuned here for more updates as we work to keep connected and THRIVING together as a TRIBE!.

And don’t forget to keep booking your classes, both online and in-studio! We love seeing your smiling faces and feeling your amazing energy! You lift us up, Vibe Tribe - you empower US!


We Got The BEAT