We Got The BEAT

At Vibe Vault Fit, we are so proud to offer a wide variety of formats to suit all of your fitness needs. We started out on the foundation of dance fitness, which will always be our first love, but are beyond excited to be able to offer you SO much more, and to offer you a more complete and well-rounded fitness experience.

One of our newer formats is BEAT HIIT. BEAT was created by our very own Kristine and Nancy in an effort to offer you a high-intensity interval workout different from our dance fitness formats. Our goal, as always, is to give our members the opportunity to challenge themselves in a fresh, new way beyond what our cardio and strength-focused classes were doing.

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We debuted BEAT HIIT in May 2019, and have been working hard to keep the format fresh, fun and invigorating. The class has a continuous playlist for a non-stop workout providing intense cardio, kickboxing and toning moves with short, intermittent recovery periods.

HIIT workouts are cardio-intensive workouts that are designed to provide short bursts of high-intensity hard work followed by brief recovery periods. The high-intensity interval method can be beneficial for boosting metabolism, increasing endurance and improving overall body composition, and that is exactly what BEAT provides.

BEAT HIIT is a body-weight workout, so no equipment is needed. There are no prerequisites for the class - it is suitable for all fitness levels and will help you reach your fitness goals, whether that means increasing your endurance, adding more toning to your routine or can even provide the perfect beginning to your fitness journey.

The newest round of this explosive format was launched just last week and we are so excited by how well it is being received by our community. The smiles on your faces, even during burpees and pushups, have been so rewarding. Since its inception, this marks the sixth release, as we try to provide an updated, invigorating and exciting version every couple of months to keep your workouts fresh.

Our BEAT class is led by Vibe Guide Nancy, who brings her energy, power and enthusiasm to every class. “My favorite part about this class is that it has built my stamina and endurance over time. I love teaching it not only because it keeps me fit and toned, but it also gives me a chance to completely switch gears and teach a non-dance class. And it always makes me and everyone taking the class feel badass, like we can do ANYTHING afterwards!”

BEAT HIIT is offered four times a week - our 30 minute class is offered Monday and Wednesday mornings at 9:00am, and our 45 minute class is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:15pm. Both versions are sure to give you a high-powered, energizing workout leaving you feeling stronger and more empowered.

Have you tried BEAT yet? Leave a comment below and tell us your favorite part of this Vibe exclusive format!


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