New Year, New Vibe: Unlocking The Life You Want

Happy New Year, Vibe Tribe! Welcome to a new week, a new month and a brand new year.


We are at a choice point.  What makes creating a new life so hard is the challenge of letting go of things you know; things we have become used to.  Joseph Campbell said, “We must be willing to let go of the life we planned in order to have the life that is waiting for us.”  Letting go creates the space for something new, but it is not easy to do.  The gift of 2020 (if we can look for the gifts), is it created that space for us by suspending the things we knew; our usual rituals and habits, our ways of being, and all things “normal”.  Taking what it has taken, 2020 has given us a unique moment of opportunity moving forward to examine the lives we lived, and reimagine one that might serve our values and needs better. 

So let’s explore, Vibe Tribe, and seize this moment in time to learn, recenter, refocus and grow. In this new year, let’s be intentional about finding out what it is we want, who it is we want to be, and what kind of world we want to bequeath to the next generations.  Let’s dive in fully to find our purpose, to enhance our vibe.

This month, we want to take hold of this opportunity by providing space for all of us at Vibe Vault Fit to examine and reimagine, so as life opens back up, we can walk forward with intention to build not just a “new normal” but a “better normal.” Our goal is to provide badass tools to help you #unlockthelifeyouwant.


HOW A NIGHT OWL BECOMES A MORNING PERSON; How to Change Your Lifestyle & Become Who You Want to Be.


A New Kind of Resolution