Reboot Your Vibe

Happy New Year, Tribe!

We are so excited to start this new year with you! 

Turning the page on the calendar year always feels like a fresh start - like a built-in opportunity  to reimagine, recommit, and reclaim the life that you want. 

It’s the perfect time to reboot!


For most of us, our frame of reference for the term “reboot” has to do with technology - our computer, laptop, tablet or phone. And this is not inaccurate!

The dictionary defines the term reboot as “the act or an instance of shutting down and restarting something (such as a computer or program),” and is usually something that is completed when updating a system, application, or function of the device being rebooted. 

Another common use of the term “reboot” can be found in the world of entertainment - generally with fictional characters, books or television series.  In this context, the term "reboot" signifies a new start to an established fictional universe, work, or series. A reboot jettisons continuity in order to re-create its characters, plotlines and backstory from the beginning.

So how, you may be wondering, does this apply to… a living, breathing human being? You are not an electronic device with a power button, nor are you a fictional character with a team of writers creating new worlds, adventures and plotlines for you.

What does it mean for us to reboot?

The comparisons are not, actually, as esoteric or far-fetched as you might fear.

Whether referring to a computer, phone, tablet, character, television series or beloved childhood story, a reboot signifies a fresh start. A reset in order to allow for updates, upgrades and improvements in performance, satisfaction and overall productivity.

To think that that is something that we can apply to our own lives sounds… fantastic, actually. 

Take a moment and think about the year that we just finished. Think about the amazing accomplishments that you made and the lessons that you learned through every twist, turn and experience that you went through. Consider all aspects of your life - work, school, family, relationships… You’ve done SO much.

And now is the time to process it so that you, much like the phone  in your pocket (or hand) can synthesize it and use it to make you stronger, happier, and more fulfilled.

Sometimes the sheer number of experiences that we have in a day, week, month or year… the amount of news we take in and data points that are placed in our path, can make us feel… stuck. Overwhelmed. We often find ourselves in a rut or routine that is simply not serving us. Sure, it takes us from day to day, but it isn’t actually moving us forward. Or maybe, somewhere along the way we realize that the decisions that we have made with good intentions have led us down a path that is not what feels right or authentic to us. We look up from our to-do list and realize that the destination we have reached is  not the one towards which we thought we were steering.

It’s time to reboot.

The first step is to take a step back. To reboot your device, you power it off. To reboot ourselves, we give ourselves a bit of distance. Put yourself in a position where you can look long and hard at the situation in which you find yourself, the effect that it is having on you, and what needs to change.

And, just like you tend to count to ten before turning your device back on, you should also allow yourself to rest. Don’t rush in. Reflect on the decision and make sure it aligns with the goals of who you are at this moment and that they point in the direction you would like to explore for yourself.

Finally, make sure that you recognize your part in this process. Don’t expect the world to read your mind or suddenly shift to show you the way. There is work involved in change, or at least any change worth the effort that it will take. 

Now… here’s the thing. This is the real world. Most of us do not have the time, luxury, or privilege to truly take a week or more off to sit and reflect, and then to make broad, sweeping changes all at once. But there are some things that you can do, as you travel down the reflection journey, to set yourself on a path that feels like a refresh, and that can ease you into your reboot.

When you feel your mental state beginning to drag… 

  • Shake it up - literally or figuratively! Move your body - take a walk, do a few jumping jacks, dance to your favorite song - get your blood pumping!

  • Pause. Take a bath, read a few pages of a book, or sip a cup of tea - something that gives you a moment to clear your mind and set your soul at ease, even for a short period of time.

  • Change your surroundings. It might not be as exciting as the tropical vacation that you think you crave, but sometimes switching your seat or changing which room you are in can literally give you a new perspective on whatever it is that you are pondering!

  • Declutter something. A drawer. A cabinet. A shelf. No matter how small, the act of putting things in an order that feels right to you can help you mentally declutter the things that are crowding your mind.

  • Journal. Write it out. Brain dump. There are no rules, no grammar police, no formatting guidelines. Put your thoughts into tangible words that you can see, feel and observe. You might even surprise yourself with what comes out.

Remember - your reboot, your reset, is about embracing a positive attitude towards change, and about finding opportunities for personal growth, even when you feel most stuck and when it might feel impossible. 

So let’s do this, Vibe Tribe. And not just now, at the start of the new year. Remember that this journey is yours, and that there is no wrong time to set yourself up for success - whatever that means to you.


Your Life is Created in a Million Tiny Decisions and a Million Tiny Indecisions.


Reflections and Intentions, Vibe Guide Style