Reflections and Intentions, Vibe Guide Style

Here we are, Tribe. The final days of 2022.

It’s been quite a year for all of us, filled with growth and learning, highs and lows, laughter and tears, new experiences and, of course, lots of dancing!

The end of the year is often a time of reflection - of looking back on the year that is closing and allowing ourselves to soak in the experiences and lessons that we have gained.  It is also a time when many of us make plans or set our intentions for the year ahead.

In this spirit, we challenged our Vibe Guides to share with us some of their end of year introspection. The lessons learned, the accomplishments achieved, and the intentions guiding them into the new year.


One thing 2022 taught me was…

Vibe Guide and Personal Trainer Melissa: 

It’s okay to change. Too often we are caught up in being the person we’ve always been, the person people want us to be, or who we think we should be. In reality it’s not serving us, It’s hurting us. Being worried about disappointing others or thinking “they” won’t talk or like you anymore because you finally focused on yourself is terrifying. Being someone we don’t want to be, or being someone or something for everyone except for ourselves - how exhausting it is to feel this way, how lonely it is. It’s okay to not be the life of the party anymore, it’s okay to not always be the one who checks in on everyone. It’s okay to become an extrovert when you’ve always been an introvert. Most importantly, it’s okay to honor yourself, and your boundaries. It’s okay to put your mask on first and say, “I’m not that person anymore” or “I’m not that person today.”

Studio Operator Jada: 

One thing I learned in 2022 was to trust my instincts and stand up for what I know to be right. This year was one where I had to stand up for myself and I overcame insurmountable odds by trusting myself and not backing down. 

Vibe Guide Amy D:

One thing that 2022 taught me was it’s ok to take time for yourself and not feel guilty about it. 

Studio Operator Alena:

One thing 2022 taught me was that, as cliche as it may sound, I am far more resilient than I realized. And along those same lines, that you can get through anything with the right people around you. I would categorize 2022 as possibly one of the most difficult years of my life, and I could not have come out as strong as I did without the love and support of those close to me. 

Vibe Guide and Social Media Coordinator Jen:

2022 took me through a process of learning how to set boundaries and be more vocal with my needs.  Something I once felt guilty for because I thought it was selfish I have really chosen to embrace as healthy.  I have seen how beneficial it can be for my personal and work relationships.  This year has also made me more aware of recognizing others' boundaries and how to respect them.  For example, I love to hug my friends (and it's a running joke for my friends who may not enjoy it as much, haha), but I have come to know how they express and receive love and how I can love them better (even without the hug! lol).  I have become more straightforward and communicative in conversations, specifically stating my needs and intentions.  I have learned how to ask my friends if they have the emotional capacity, time, or energy to offer a space for either support or solutions.  These intentional questions and clarifiers have solved any issue of murkiness and have avoided hurt feelings and misunderstandings.  I can quite honestly say with this being my focus this year, it has enabled me to become a better conversationalist overall - a better listener, more eloquent and clear with my words when speaking, and overall, a better friend.  I will continue to take this intention into 2023 in hopes to improve upon it even more!

Vibe Guide and Co-Owner Dr. B:

I am powerful.

A couple of years ago I began a journey of taking responsibility for “difficulties” in my life.  Yes, it took me that long to own that I had power over what my life looked like.  I’m not saying I am the CAUSE of all the hardship and challenge that comes my way, but certainly I am the ONLY one who can decide how I meet that hardship and how it will play out.  Life has a way of constantly throwing on to your path the same lesson you need to learn, repeatedly, until you learn it, and that was the lesson for me.  It came through in my relationships at home, at work, in what I did and did not achieve, and in whether I felt low, defeated, alone, or felt happy, empowered and supported.  

I have a long way to go, but the more I look to myself, that part I play in things that go wrong (or right), and the things I can influence (namely how I think about things and where I put my effort), the stronger my power grows; then the world bends just a little more to my vision.  

We all have that power, it takes just that small shift in our minds to touch it.

My biggest achievement in 2022 was…

Studio Operator Jada:

My biggest achievement this year was doing more rewarding work with my fitness certifications. I became Barre certified, and began using that knowledge in my secondary job as a fitness instructor for people with special needs. I also made a lot of progress in my personal goals of strength and endurance, which was integral for me as an instructor for my special needs clients as well as teaching pop up Bombay Jam classes here at Vibe Vault. 

Studio Operator Alena:

My biggest achievement in 2022 was growing my photography business. I had the opportunity to work with a variety of amazing clients and create a wide range of art that I learned and grew from. 

My main intention for 2023 is…

Vibe Guide Amy L:

My one main intention for 2023 is to stay curious, to keep learning and leaning into the things that light me up.

Studio Operator Jada:

My intention for 2023, is to do more creatively. Whether that means working on choreography for myself, getting back to more theater, or finding more creative ways to engage with my special needs fitness clients, creativity is what I intend to focus on in 2023.

Vibe Guide Amy D:

My main intention for 2023 is to try and be more patient with challenging situations

Studio Operator Alena:

My one main intention for 2023 is to take my time and act with care—with words, decisions, creative projects, and my work.

Studio Operator and Community Coordinator Shelley:

My main intention for 2023 is to take up space. To use my voice, speak up for myself as well as for those whose voices have been marginalized or suppressed. I want to work on breaking through the fears that hold me back and to allow myself to become the best, most authentic version of myself.

And now it’s your turn, Tribe.

Take these prompts and let them simmer. Then share your insight and your wisdom and let your tribe help you manifest your intentions and bring about the most true and authentic version of you in 2023!

1. One thing 2022 taught me…

2. My biggest achievement in 2022 was…

3. My one main intention for 2023 is...

We can’t wait to venture forward into this new year, stronger, more authentic, and more connected than ever.

Happy New Year!


Reboot Your Vibe


It’s the Holiday Season…