It’s the Holiday Season…

It’s the holiday season. And that means a lot of things to a lot of people. No matter what you are celebrating, or if you are celebrating at all, this season comes with a lot of expectations, preconceived notions, and pressures.

So this holiday season, do yourself a favor.

Eat the cookie. The latke. The fritters. The biscuits.

Drink the cocoa. The cocktail. The mocktail.

Throw the snowball. Build the snowman. Go sledding. 

Sing the carols. The songs. Loudly and proudly.

Hang the mistletoe. The stocking. The star. The menorah.

Light the candles.

Shine. In every way that you can.

Without restriction.

Take the moment. Take the break. 


Breathe it all in and let it settle in your heart. In your soul. 

Create the memory. Create lots of memories.

Because this season is here now. And no matter how many times it has come before and how many times it may come again, NOW is the moment that we have. Now is the moment that we are living. Now is the moment that we know we get to share together.

So try it all. Do it all. Discover the tradition that works for you. Find the celebration that feels like joy. Create it if you have to. Be with the people who let you be you.

And a few bonus reminders.

You don’t have to earn the treats you enjoy. At the holidays or ever.

You don’t have to burn them off afterwards. Ever.

Taking rest days - even a whole bunch of them - will not set you back or ruin your progress. They’ll actually help with your long term goals and overall health and wellness.

Set healthy boundaries. With no guilt or shame.

Wishing you, wherever you are and whatever you celebrate, a happy, healthy season - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.


Reflections and Intentions, Vibe Guide Style


I’m Alive, I’m Breathing