It Takes One

One yes.

One no. 

One moment.

One choice.

One person.

One breath.

One single step…

Can change the world.

Song lyrics tell us that one is the loneliest number, but what if that’s not the full story?


One is a foundation, a place to begin. One is a pillar. A beacon to shine the way. One is the beginning.

One is hope.

One is change.

One is made of strength. 

One proves exactly what can be done.

One beats a new path.

One opens new doors.

One may stand alone, but alone does not mean lonely. 

One is special.

One is unique.

One is brave. 

One single candle can light countless others. One single soul can influence the world. 

No group, community or team can exist without each individual one.

No crowd gathers without a collection of ones.

No movement has ever succeeded without the power of one.

Stand tall, knowing that you are one. One in a million. One in the world. 

Stand proud knowing that you are the only one that can do what you do, that can love as you love, that can be exactly who you are.

One is strong.

One is powerful.

And you are the one.


Blame It On The Stars


Lose Yourself to Find Yourself