We Become What We Practice: The Power of Intention 

Most of us, most of the time are moving toward some kind of change.  Whether we mean it or not, want it or not, life is always evolving, and we are always changing.  Change can take us to unexpected and sometimes unwanted spaces, but we also have the power to harness the mechanisms of change so we can drive it in the direction we want to go.  However, it starts with intention.


There is a basic principle in brain science which says, “neurons that fire together, wire together.” 


Neurons (a.k.a. nerve cells) are fundamental units of the brain and nervous system responsible for receiving, integrating and sending messages throughout our body.  They allow us to do everything we do: breathing, talking, walking, eating, thinking, dancing. As such, they essentially define who we are.


Neurons communicate by sending messages to one another through electrical impulses. When a neuron “fires”, the electrical impulse triggers chemical reactions in the gaps between neurons, known as synapses, causing the neurons next to it to also fire. If two adjacent neurons frequently talk to each other, their connection becomes stronger and more automatic over time.


“Neurons that fire together wire together”, becomes the basis for all our habits, our tendencies, our personality, our character.  It means the more we do something, the more it becomes us.  It means we need to be careful, intentional, about what we consistently do. 


For example, if we allow ourselves to complain often, complaining will become a natural, automatic tendency; it will define how we both perceive and interact with the world.  Even if we simply allow ourselves to spend time with people who tend to complain often, we will start to wire that way, and again, complaining will become our natural way of being.  So, even the mere choice of who we spend most of our time with, has the power to determine who we become.  Hence the quote from Dan Pena, “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” 


Intentionally choosing our actions, the ideas, stimulation, and influence we surround ourselves with, and most importantly the thoughts we habitually engage in, needs to become an essential part of our daily practice when we consider who it is we want to be and how we want our lives to change. 


If you want to be a person who thinks hopeful positive thoughts, surround yourself with people who think hopeful positive thoughts, read books or listen to podcasts with positive messaging, and each time you find your mind going toward negative thinking, stop and tell yourself a more positive story. 


Intention is the driving force behind any meaningful change. We are changing no matter what, but intention allows us to choose how we will change.  The direction of our transformation and evolution is something we can actively decide to pursue. However, it requires another step:  becoming intentional about our intentions.


I know, I know, this sounds circular, but what I mean is we need to intentionally pursue becoming clear about our intentions.  We need to spend time thinking about where we want to go, and why. 


When we can clearly articulate our intentions, we generate direction and power for change.


To start, perhaps ask yourself: What do I truly want to change? Why is this change important to me? How ready am I to change?  What would my life look like in 5 years if I made this change?  What would it look like if I did not make this change?


I hope these questions help reveal what you deeply value and truly want. Then, after you know what you want, decide if what you are doing now will get you there. 


Evaluate everything: ask yourself if what you are spending your time on, how you are currently thinking, what you are practicing, who you are with, and whether the inputs and influence you are allowing into to your life are moving you closer to, or further from your desired future self? What would your desired future self be doing, thinking, and valuing? 


Then be her, to become her.   


All I Really Want For Christmas


Gratitude: Vibe Guide Style