Shine On

Here we are, Vibe Tribe.

It’s the first day of December.

December means a lot of things to a lot of people for a lot of different reasons. 

For some it is a time to celebrate and carry on generations’-long traditions of faith, togetherness, and joy. For some it is a time to reflect and look back, to review the days, weeks and months that have passed and try to glean the lessons hiding (or not) within those moments. For some it is a time of looking ahead, of planning, of preparation, of determination, of hope.

And for others, December is something else entirely. Maybe the holidays mean something different to you. Maybe you don’t celebrate what or how the world around you does. Maybe the cold temperatures and long nights disrupt your circadian rhythms and make it harder for you to stabilize your moods or to feel festive. Maybe you find it difficult or painful to reflect, or awkward and confusing to plan ahead with optimism and hope.

And that is okay.

I don’t think that it is a coincidence that most December holidays - across religions, regions, civilizations, and history - involve light.

  • Christmas lights. 

  • Candles on a Hanukkah menorah. 

  • Candles for Kwanzaa. 

  • The Winter Solstice, which celebrates the return of the sun.

All reminders, particularly powerful and poignant during these cold, dark times, that there is still light. Still beauty. Still warmth. 


These last few years have had a very December-ish feel to them for many people. Full of uncertainty and unrest, amidst change and confusion, many have felt a pervasive darkness, regardless of the month. Many feel a chill in the atmosphere that has nothing to do with the outside temperature. We have been bombarded with news and opinions and conflict at every turn and with alarming and unrelenting urgency.

And yet I hope that you can remember that there is always light.

Despite anything and everything that the world has thrown at us, we are still here. We are still capable of growth and of love, of laughter and of joy. 

So this December, no matter what it brings for you, I have a challenge. And it’s actually two-fold.

The first part is to remember - and nurture - your own inner light. Even on those days where you cannot see its glow or feel its warmth. Actually, especially on those days. Your spark is in your smile, in your heart, and in your truth. Take moments each day to feed your soul and fuel your own authenticity. Remember who you are and allow yourself to nourish the bits of yourself that the world has tried to extinguish. Fan the flame of your true, bright, beautiful self so that it lights a path towards love and authenticity for others to follow.

Which brings me to the second part. Share that light. Encourage others to shine as brightly as they can. Remind those around you that they will make it out of whatever darkness this, or any, season has brought. 

I’ll share one final thought, from someone much more eloquent and wise than I am, but that can hopefully help to guide you through this challenge and this month.

A thousand candles can be lighted from the flame of one candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness can be spread without diminishing that of yourself.


Remember, tribe. You are that candle. You are that light. You are that happiness.

Shine on.


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