Highlights of 2021

Well, Vibe Tribe, here we are. We did it.

It’s the end of the year. The end of another roller coaster of a year, at that. A year where we never knew what was around the corner, where change was our constant. 

For so many of us, this year brought a roller coaster of both emotions and experiences. We tried new things, both out of desire and necessity. We learned a lot about ourselves, about our communities, and about the world around us.

2021 was a year unlike any other. But that doesn’t mean that there weren’t amazing times, goals accomplished and lessons learned!


We asked our Vibe Guides to share with us their standout moments from this past year - goals met, favorite memories and top moments. Here’s what they had to share!

Vibe Guide Amy L told us “My top moment of 2021, personally, was eloping with my husband in Arizona.

Professionally, I’m pretty proud of launching Yoga F.I.T. After a year of it being an idea floating around my brain, and receiving lots of support from the Vibe team, this format finally came to fruition. One of my goals for this past year was to step into and own the current roles of my life more fully. Growing this format was scary and felt like sharing a new piece of myself with the community - but that’s the goal… to do the scary thing, to choose the discomfort of growth over the discomfort of staying the same. 

Here’s to 2022 ✨”

Meanwhile, Vibe Guide Amy D had this to share: “Hey there…  so a fun unexpected goal I had was trying the dance classes. Felt intimidated as everyone here has such natural grace and rhythm. It has really been a joy to get past my own stuff, and just have fun! Even when I am going left when everyone is going right, the connection of the community is what I really felt in these classes . 😊”

We love that our team is finding ways to grow personally and professionally, and also that, in doing so, they are helping our community to do the same!

Power Fusion Vibe Guide Jess G shared with us some of her memorable milestones from 2021. She shared “I took on the role of being a virtual teacher, then hybrid teacher, and now a teacher back in the classroom with masks and quarantines. 🥴😷 Bring on 2022!!”

We are so proud of our team for the varied roles they play within our communities and with how they have been able to adapt, pivot and grow with the changing times.

Our Studio Operator team also had some experiences to share with us.

Jada shared with us: “A goal of mine this year has been to work on my overall communication to ensure that I feel heard and validated, but also honor the value in what my partner or family is feeling too. I have been working on active listening, asking if they need vent space, or solutions, and then seeing how I can help them. I did a lot of reading and working on my own inner voice in creating effective communication that is empathetic towards others, allowing myself to pause before reacting. When communication is difficult because of emotional response, I have been working on writing out my responses and giving myself space to process my feelings without judgement. This allows me to really get to the root of what might be upsetting me in the moment, and respond in a healthy way that is not super emotionally charged. This gives me more ways to find solutions to situations that might seem like there is no way to compromise.”

This year was also a transition and growth for Katie, who shared with us “2021 has taught me a lot about not only myself, but the people around me too. This year seemed to be the light at the end of the tunnel for me. The summer was filled with carefree days, and it reminded me how fragile every moment we spend with each other is. One goal I set for myself was to make sure I was constantly doing something to compensate for the lack of activity last year. While at first it seemed like a good idea, I eventually learned that not every second has to be spent busy. Sometimes we need a break and a moment to ourselves. This realization helped me accept that I don’t need to “make up” for lost time last year, rather continue to focus on myself, and listen to what I really need.”

Alena also shared her highlight from 2021. She told us that her top moment of “this year—personal and professional—was presenting my masters thesis. For as long as I spent preparing for it, it took a lot for me personally to confidently vouch for my own expertise instead of downplaying it. I was incredibly proud of myself for that presentation.”

We are so proud of this family - this Tribe. Every member of our community has a story, a lesson and a list of accomplishments from this past year. We thank our Vibe Guides for sharing their hearts and souls with us every day, and also for sharing their growth, experience and lessons learned with us here today.

We’d love to hear from you - share in the comments what YOUR top moments, highlights and lessons were from 2021! And we can’t wait to continue growing, learning and VIBING with you into 2022!



Your One Wild & Precious Life.


A Holiday Wish For You