A Holiday Wish For You

It’s a tricky time of year.

A time of joy and tradition, festivities and beauty.

And a time of to-do lists longer than manageable, logistics, planning and pressure.

It’s a lot.

Add to that the fact that these last two years have compounded so many struggles for so many reasons and have, in many cases, limited the ways we can celebrate with those we love, we know that many of us are having a little bit of trouble feeling the holiday spirit.

So here is our wish for you this holiday season.

We wish for you this very moment.

We wish you a moment of peace. A moment to breathe. A moment to look around and see how far you have come and how much you have overcome.

We wish you a moment of joy. A moment of pride - the kind that allows you to see that you are doing such good things and putting such good energy out into the world.

We wish you a moment of reflection. A moment of grace for the difficult times and of acceptance of the things that have happened that you cannot change - but that have helped teach you how to be the person you are right now.

We wish you a moment of connection - whether it’s in person or through a screen - with the people who remind you of who you are. With the people who remind you why you are doing what you are doing. With the people who remind you that it matters that you do.

We wish you a moment of fun - of playing, of dancing, of laughing and of feeling like a kid again.

We wish you a moment of seeing yourself the way that we see you.


This holiday season, we want to thank you for always showing up and always bringing your energy. We want to thank you for supporting not only us, but each other. We want to thank you for being the source of so many of our best moments.

Happy Holidays, Vibe Tribe!


Highlights of 2021


The Gift of Connection