Reignite Your Vibe

Remember when you were young, 

And your feelings were oh so big.

When every high was higher than the tallest mountain

And every low was lower than the bottom of the deepest ocean.

Remember when you were fearless and sure,

When the world was nothing more than a collection of opportunities.

When dancing in a field of flowers could make your heart sing

And missing a call from your best friend could make you weep.

Remember when you wore your passions right on the surface

And every nerve, every emotion was laid bare for the world to test.

When you might not have known where you were headed, 

But this moment was all that mattered.

Remember when your fire burned so hot and bright in your belly

In your eyes

In your heart

In your soul.

When every feeling was big and bold and so. 



That version of you still lives.

Behind the piles of laundry.

Underneath the to-do list.

Maybe a little bruised,

Maybe beaten down by the harsh light of grown-up expectations.

Maybe a little worse for the wear from the hard lessons thrust upon you.

Maybe forgotten after a hard day’s (month’s, year’s, decade’s) work.

But it’s there.

And it’s ready.

Are you?


Reignite your joy

Reignite your heart

Reignite your passion for life

Rediscover your purpose

Reconnect with you.


The Relationships We C.R.A.V.E.


Dare To Fail