Thanksgiving 2021 - We Are Grateful

Happy Thanksgiving, Vibe Tribe!

We are so grateful for you. Without you, there is on us. Without you, we couldn’t do what we do or be who we are. You have brought so much joy and growth to us as a studio as well as to each Vibe Guide and member with whom you have interacted. Vibe Vault Fit is such a unique community and we know how fortunate we are.


On this day of giving thanks, we asked our Vibe Guides to share what they are grateful for at this moment.

Here is what they said.

Yoga Vibe Guide Amy L shares “I’m grateful for the life I’ve built over the last few years. For choosing to show up more fully in the roles I play in this life. For powering through various moments of fear, uncertainty, imposter syndrome and watching what blossoms on the other side. 

Most of all I’m grateful for this community of epic and endless support, love, and friendship.” 

Vibe Guide and leader of the Pound Posse Laura told us that she is “Thankful for all of the badass women in my life who support one another.”

BEAT HIIT Vibe Guide Jessica says “I am grateful to be very content and blessed with my life… a warm home, health, love, and overall happiness. I’m thankful for my children, family, and friends that have become like family. I’m thankful for my job as a nurse to be able to help others and also as a new vibe guide given the opportunity to teach Beat. Thankful for all of you amazing ladies and your support.

Ps…also thankful on a side note for coffee, chocolate, cheese, hugs, wine and new adventures!”

Vibe Guide Jen shared her gratitude in reflection of events of this previous year. She said that she is grateful for “MOVEMENT AND A BEAUTIFUL WORKING BODY!  I am grateful for a body & mind connected by neural pathways. In our line of work, which is already physically demanding as it is, I am often quick to get frustrated as soon as my body gives me a signal that something is wrong. I won’t get a sub or take a rest day until I physically cannot move any more because I am so burnt out. The newsflash for me this year was that burnout isn’t cured in a weekend and that there’s no prize for seeing how many days you can go without rest (it’s actually incredibly detrimental). I injured my hamstring back in April and got annoyed with myself at first, but then I flipped my mindset to say I’m grateful for my body’s signals to tell me I need to take care of myself. Without those signals, I could have easily torn my hamstring and would have been out for half a year (or maybe more) instead of one week. That one week of total rest made me appreciate movement even more. I was itching to get back in to the studio to dance and let go again. Instead of being frustrated with my body’s signals, I chose to listen and be grateful that she can tell me when something’s up, so I can keep doing what I do best — be me! So this year I’m focusing on my gratitude for having that body / mind connection and understanding that taking care of me is the best thing I can possibly do for myself to make sure I can give 100% each day. That’s a big lesson I learned this year, and it makes me very proud!”

Our Power Fusion team also shared some of what they are grateful for. 

Vibe Guide Jess told us that she is “Thankful for my family, friends, and health.”

Vibe Guide Christy said “I am thankful for loving and supportive friends and family and a successful and fulfilling nursing career. I am also thankful I have a knack for multitasking or I’d never survive my crazy work, kid, puppy, and personal schedule!”

Studio Operator Jada also shared her gratitude list for this year. “I am grateful for the health and happiness of my family and friends. I am also thankful to be a part of this amazing team of caring and supportive people at VVF.”

And finally we share the thoughts and gratitude of co-owner.

Dr. B says “I am honestly just grateful for the people I get to go through this life with. I feel like I’ve been fortunate to have gathered some of the most interesting, brave, thoughtful, and fun people around me. It makes everyday a good day.”

And Kristine, who shared that she is “Grateful for my family, health and being able to do what I love while at the same time sharing my passion for fitness and dance. There's something even more special about Vibe Vault in that each class and member interaction is creating connection within our community and together we are on this healthy and happy life journey.”

We hope that this Thanksgiving finds you happy, healthy and able to enjoy time with the people who matter most in your world - physically, virtually or in spirit.

Thank you, Vibe Tribe, for sharing your hearts with us. We are truly grateful for you.

Share in the comments below what you are grateful for this Thanksgiving!


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