
We are stronger as a tribe. The key to connection and healing is curiosity; Asking brave questions. This blog is for the seekers and truth-tellers.

Bhavna Shyamalan Bhavna Shyamalan

“Indoctrinated Into Our Own Disappearance”

In our quest for belonging we often sacrifice what is true and unique about ourselves. This blog explores the ways in which culture compels conformity, how we might be complicit in our own disappearance, as well as how to find ourselves again.

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Bhavna Shyamalan Bhavna Shyamalan

Dare to Rebel

In little ways, and sometimes big, we hide pieces of ourselves to fit in with the world around us. The need to belong means we sacrifice our nature to adapt to culture. According to Martha Beck, this is at the root of much of our emotional suffering. Yet connection and belonging are critical to happiness. So what is the answer?

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Bhavna Shyamalan Bhavna Shyamalan

Becoming Free: Cultivating Inner Freedom

More powerful than the external forces that limit our freedom are the internal ones. This blog discusses five qualities we need to develop in order to cultivate inner freedom.

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Shelley Shelley

It's Elemental

What does it mean to be in your element? We can come to understand ourselves by recognizing those times where we feel most like ourselves. Most free.

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