Celebrate the Spirit of Community

As we approach the holidays, we hear a lot of talk about “getting into the spirit.” For many, that means baking, listening to holiday music, putting up holiday decorations - lights, maybe a tree, maybe a menorah, ornaments, snowflakes and anything else that can put us in the winter and holiday mindset.  We surround ourselves with reminders both physical and mental, to celebrate whatever this season brings for us.

This month at Vibe Vault Fit, not only do we want to celebrate the spirit of the winter solstice and its associated holidays, we want to honor the spirit of community and of the connections that make every season so very special.

So let’s start off with an understanding of what community is and why it matter

The dictionary defines community as:

- a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common;

- a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

In short, a community is a group of people with something in common.


Human beings, by nature, are social creatures. We are not designed for solitude. We need groups - communities - in order to both survive and thrive. Humans are hard-wired for connection. It is imperative for our survival as a species.

Interestingly, as we have advanced as a species, particularly in the more developed world, many humans have become more isolated. The idea of the “village” has largely deteriorated and so many of us seem to have idolized independence over connection.  

But here’s the thing - none of this advancement, none of our technological development, and none of this value we seem to have arbitrarily placed on independence has changed our innate need for connection. And so the need for community is not only as strong as ever, it’s even more apparent in our broad, spread out world.

Luckily for us, the same advancements that have led many to believe that they can accomplish anything completely on their own are also enabling us to create countless new communities to bring people together.

And that is the great thing about communities - we can be a part of endless communities at the same time in order to feed and enrich all of the different sides of ourselves.

There are communities based on:

  • Family

  • Friend groups

  • School choice

  • Religion

  • Hobbies

  • Exercise

  • Shared or common experiences

And each of these communities helps us to feel validated and accepted. They help us to feel a broader sense of purpose in our lives and in our actions. They help us to thrive, not just survive.

So join us this month as we celebrate the thing that makes Vibe Vault Fit more than just a studio, more than just a gym, more than just a destination for fitness classes.  We are so grateful for each and every one of you who makes this a true community.  

Together we are stronger. Together we go farther. Together we are better.

Together we are Tribe.


The Gift of Connection


Unlocking Our Relationship Scripts.