Empowerment: Vibe Guide Style

This month, we have been using the theme of empowerment to help guide our motivation, conversations, and discussions. Over the last few weeks, it has become quite clear that empowerment both looks and feels different on everyone - what makes one person feel strong, confident and capable of taking charge of their own destiny is very different from what will have that same affect on another.

The common thread throughout all of these conversations is that empowerment, specifically self empowerment, is a means of taking control of one’s own life. It is about knowing and trusting one’s self enough to make decisions and to navigate ourselves along the journey through the world. It is about learning to believe that, no matter the outcome, we have everything we need in each moment to be the captain of our own vessel on the vast ocean of life.


With this in mind, we thought it might be interesting to chat with our very own Vibe Guides to learn a little bit more about when they feel empowered, when they don’t, and to learn more about their own personal empowerment journeys.

Here is what they had to share.

Co-Owner and Vibe Guide Kristine started us off by answering several baseline questions for us relating to empowerment.

What makes you feel empowered?

“I feel empowered doing something I’m passionate about and really putting my all into it.”

When do you feel most empowered?

“I feel most empowered seeing the idea or the effort grow into something that is bigger than me and hopefully is helping others feel motivated or empowered too.”

What helps remind you of your own power when you are struggling more with feeling empowered?

“When I’m struggling to feel empowered I look back on things I’ve done in the past that I’m proud of and remind myself anything is possible if you put all your  effort into it.”

We love this perspective of feeling our own power by both giving our all and also being able to see beyond ourselves!

Studio Operator Jada told us “I feel empowered when I stand up for what I believe in. When I don't accept that someone is more powerful than me just because they appear to be stronger or bigger or have more power than I do. I feel empowered when I stand fast and stand up for myself in the face of bullies who want me to be a doormat. I feel empowered when I make my voice heard and stand my ground no matter how daunting it may seem to do so. We are stronger than we think. Saying no, we won't back down, when the fight is brought to us and seeing it through to the end. No matter what.”

Vibe Guide and Social Media Coordinator Jen shared her thoughts on empowerment, and on her own empowerment journey.

“I know the obvious answer to the question of what empowers me is going to be dancing, moving, instructing, etc.  But I want to be more specific about it.  I want to highlight two things:

I feel a deep reverence on stage - you can feel that in the energy of the room.  It brings me back to my roots of growing up dancing on stages and feeling the happiest then.  So I carry that with me.  A room full of people is incredible, but even an empty dark room on a well-lit stage brings me comfort and empowerment, as strange as that sounds.

I also feel empowered when the people in my class feel empowered.  I absolutely adore the comments from students about them getting stronger from class or having the most confidence they've had in a while from taking class.  That brings me the most affirmation that anyone could give me.  When people start to believe they can do anything, I feel empowered and so joyful to have played a small part in that.  I remember experiencing those feelings so vividly as a participant when my first dance and group fitness teachers helped me start my own empowerment journey.  I never forgot what it felt like to start to believe I was capable of more than I thought.  And I never forgot who those instructors were and how they made me feel.   In turn, my only goal as an instructor has been to make my students feel the same - encouraged, capable, confident, and like an absolute superstar.  If I'm able to do that, it empowers me and makes me so proud.”

Power Fusion Vibe Guide Jess has a different, though just as compelling example of what makes her feel empowered. She shares, “I feel most empowered when I’m able to overcome my anxiety. More often than not, it tells me that ‘I can’t’ or ‘I shouldn’t’, but when I’m able to shut those voices out is when I feel the strongest.”

And while, as might not surprise you, many of our Vibe Guides feel their strongest, most confident, most effective and most empowered through  movement or action, Vibe Guide Amy L shares with us another approach that we feel will resonate with many of you, and that also offers a beautiful counterpoint to personal empowerment.

“I feel most empowered in moments of pause - when I can truly take a moment to be present and remember what matters in each moment

I feel most empowered when I feel strong and at home in my body. 

I feel most empowered being in the peace and simplicity of nature.”

And now, Vibe Tribe, it’s your turn. We want to hear from YOU! When do you feel most empowered? What has helped you most along your empowerment journey? We can’t wait to see you live and thrive, together with this tribe, standing strong in your power!


Your Mental Kaleidoscope


Permission Slip