Awaken Your Vibe

We go through the motions every day.
We get up. We brush our teeth. We get our kids on the bus, take our dog for a walk. We drink our coffee, take the same route to work. Or the gym. Or to the grocery store.

We settle into routines that allow us to make it through our days - whatever it takes, right?

But what this turns into for so many of us is a life of “lather, rinse, repeat.” 

It’s almost like we’re sleepwalking through our lives. 

And, honestly, the world around us encourages this mode of living. Fitting in and following norms is what we are raised to believe that we need to do.

And here’s the thing. That’s not always a bad thing. Routines can offer us comfort on difficult days and can help us to continue to put one foot in front of the other in those times when we can’t seem to figure out where we are going.

But these routines, this sleepwalking, will only help us to survive. 

And, Vibe Tribe, you deserve more than that. You deserve to thrive.

The question is… how? How do we step off of the treadmill of life, side-step the hamster wheel and truly stop sleepwalking our way through our days? How do we wake up?

It starts with intention. You have to mean it.


Waking up is hard. I mean, if you’ve ever hit the snooze button or tried to wake a teen in time for school, you know this. Same with this kind of waking up. As I said - this kind of sleepwalking through life serves a purpose. It allows us to exist within our comfort zone and, just as we like to cozy up under the cover, we can cozy up in our routine. 

But just as you can’t grow, learn or experience all of the joy, love and wonder that exists in this world from your blanket nest, you also can’t fully experience everything that life has to offer from the comfort of your safe routines.

Waking up can be scary, and can feel like sensory overload. So intention is important.

Instead of living on auto-pilot, letting society, family, community or circumstances determine your direction, take a moment (as long of one as necessary) to truly get to know yourself. To learn who you are, to figure out your goals, desires and purpose. And allow yourself grace and the understanding that this is an iterative process. Sometimes when you wake up, you can be groggy and can head in the wrong direction for a moment. That is okay! That is beyond okay! It’s part of the process.

But… then what?

Then you go and DO. 

Seek out new experiences. It can start as simply as taking a new route to work. Take a class in something you never thought you could do. Talk to someone who grew up completely differently than you. Volunteer. Dance, jump, move - literally AND figuratively. Take a good look at your surroundings and let go of the things that are holding you down, keeping you stuck or making you feel like you can’t explore. 

Realize that you deserve BIG. You deserve JOY. You deserve to truly LIVE.

You deserve a life that is full, unlimited and unrestricted.

So rest when you need to.

But don’t stay there. 

Wake up and LIVE. 


Tuning Out to Bloom Within


Dare to Rebel