Do More For Your Core!

We all know that a strong core is important… but do you know why?

Spoiler alert - it’s not just about your abs!

Your core is the powerhouse of your body - connecting your upper body to your lower body, and, as such, we rely on it a whole lot throughout our day to day lives.

Your core consists of the muscles surrounding your trunk, including your abdominals, obliques, diaphragm, pelvic floor, trunk extensors, and hip flexors. That’s right - it’s not just your abs, it’s also your back, hips and sides!

Let’s start by understanding why core work is important. A strong core:

  • Enhances balance and stability

  • Helps improve posture

  • Helps improve your form for other physical activity

  • Help prevent injuries

  • Protects your internal organs

  • Makes every day movements and activities easier!

Basically, your core is the connective link that allows your entire body to work in harmony.

So now that we know why a strong core is important, let’s talk about how we can help strengthen our core in ways that are healthy and productive.

When most people think of core work, they predominantly think of either sit ups or crunches. And while both of those exercises are good for working your abs, they are not sufficient, on their own, to ensure a properly strong core.


To fully work your core, you should consider adding movement and exercises that target all of the different muscles that make up your whole core.

  • Planks are a great full-body exercise that can be modified to progress as your muscles strengthen

  • Glute bridges target your lower abdominals and glutes

  • Bird dogs target both your abdominals and your back and also help with stability and balance

  • Mountain climbers offer the strength benefits of a plank with the additional benefit of knee movements to increase cardio and further work your lower abdominals

But core work isn’t limited to floor work - there are plenty of exercises that can be done from a standing position that can target all parts of your core. Standing crunches, standing bicycles, standing side crunches - the options are limitless!

And the best part is that you can level up as your core strengthens by incorporating light weights, added reps, or even more advanced versions of familiar poses and exercises.

So next time you stretch to reach something on the top shelf, twist to grab something from the back seat of your car or bend to pick something up off of the floor, take a moment and thank your core for everything that it does to support you and keep you moving!

Want more core work? Check out our Barre and Strength formats!


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