Get Back To You

You hear it all the time - people talking about “finding” themselves. 

It usually involves travel and adventure, action and adding things to your life.

But what if the answer isn’t “out there,” waiting to be found? What if it isn’t about “more.”  What if all of those adventures and travels are really the means to reminding us of who we already are - and what is already within us?

What if the true purpose of life isn’t to go out and find all of your missing pieces? What if, instead, our goal is to strip away all of the expectations, opinions and teachings that have built a shell around our hearts to reveal the gold within?

We are taught from a very young age how to “fit in” - what our family expects of us. What society expects from us. How to be a good kid. A good student. A good employee. A good friend. A good partner. A good parent.  We are taught to value the comfort we bring to others, even at the expense of our own comfort and authenticity.


All of that leads us to create masks to wear in different situations - personalities we turn on and off when different situations call for it.  And it can even get to the point where we are so used to our own masks that we begin to believe that they are our actual selves - we forget who we are underneath them.

Here’s the thing - those masks provide us with comfort. They give us routines and guidelines. They are social disguises that can help us navigate any variety of situations in the world.

The problem is that it is easy to become dependent on the masks and lose our true selves. Discarding our masks, uncovering what lies beneath, can be a difficult, awkward and oftentimes painful process.

But letting go of the veil, abandoning our disguises and allowing ourselves to live as we truly are is freeing and powerful.

So how do we do it? How do we find our way back to us? Back to our true, unmasked selves?

It starts by letting go.

  • Letting go of expectations.

  • Letting go of identities that were given to us along the way, rather than chosen by us ourselves.

  • Letting go of the need to please others over ourselves.

  • Letting go of the idea that we must never disappoint anyone, even if it means disappointing ourselves.

  • Letting go of the things, and even people, that hold you back from authentic expression.

So go on the adventures, learn the new things and experience this big, wide world - those are all beautiful things! But do them for you. Do them with the intention of seeing what they can uncover about who you truly are underneath it all. Do them to see what ignites your soul, activates your passions and awakens the you that you have hidden under all of those masks.

We can’t wait to go on this journey with you, Vibe Tribe. We can’t wait to watch you get Back To You.




Do More For Your Core!