
We are stronger as a tribe. The key to connection and healing is curiosity; Asking brave questions. This blog is for the seekers and truth-tellers.

Bhavna Shyamalan Bhavna Shyamalan

To Be Truly Free, Surrender.

If you want to be free, surrender. This blog explores the apparently paradoxical relationship between acceptance and freedom.

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Shelley Shelley

Get Back To You

In a world that has taught us to hide our true selves in order to fit in, authenticity is an act of bravery. Uncover your true self and get Back To You!

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Bhavna Shyamalan Bhavna Shyamalan

Becoming Free: Cultivating Inner Freedom

More powerful than the external forces that limit our freedom are the internal ones. This blog discusses five qualities we need to develop in order to cultivate inner freedom.

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