

It’s what gets us moving and keeps us going.

It’s what inspires us to set, keep and reach new goals.

It’s our why. Our reason. Our reminder.

But what happens when our motivation is lacking? We all have those days. You know, the ones when you wake up knowing that you really should get to class, you really should move your body, you really should get in a workout, but… the motivation just isn’t there.

How do you move past it?

For many people, a big aspect of the motivation to get up and get moving is the class aspect - and the instructor.

But what about when the person feeling that lack of motivation… is the instructor?

We asked our Vibe Guides how they handle those days.

Yoga Flow and Yoga Fit Vibe Guide Amy L. had this to share with us: “I think self-compassion is key. Being honest with yourself and/or your accountability partner and asking for that support. Whether that is in the form of supportive, encouraging words (from yourself or another) or showing up, know that your 100% is going to look a little different today and that’s okay.”

Co-owner and Vibe Guide Kristine takes a proactive approach. “I usually try to put an outfit on that makes me feel good and maybe take extra time to get ready - glitter eyes always brighten my mood! Also, listening to music helps to get going - there’s nothing like blasting your favorite music to pump up your vibe. Reminding myself that even if I'm feeling tired before class, I know I will feel better after so just ‘show up for yourself and the rest will follow.’”

The Power Fusion team had a few suggestions, as well. Jess told us “When I don’t feel motivated, I tell myself that I’ll just do 10 minutes and see how I feel. I give myself permission to stop after that, but I usually don’t.”

And Christy’s secret to finding that motivation? “I exercise after work and the first thing I need to do when I get home is to change right out of my scrubs and into my exercise clothes. It is also helpful to tell someone “I’m coming to class” who I know is instructing or attending or telling my husband “I need to workout tonight” to keep me accountable.”

Vibe Guide Laura’s motivation comes from a broader perspective. “My motivation is that I’ve never ‘regretted’ a workout. I know that no matter what, I’m always in a better place both mentally and physically after I’m done moving… even if it’s a super short amount of time- whatever I can squeeze in- I’m always happy I did it.”

Studio Operator Jada, like many of us, finds motivation in meaningful quotes that she saves in her mind for just such occasions. “For me when I am not feeling motivated, I take a line from Frozen 2. Just do the next right thing. Just get up. Just get on my workout clothes. Just get to the studio or tune in online. Once the class starts, motivation finds me. Just getting there is what it takes.”


So what are some things that we can do to help us on those days when our “why” is quiet and our motivation is lacking?

  • For starters, try to book your classes for the week ahead of time - and mark the time on your calendar. Treat it as you would treat a meeting or commitment with a coworker, family member or friend. Your class time is YOUR time - not just for your physical health, but for your mental health as well! Mark of the time like you would a meeting or doctor’s appointment and treat the thought of canceling it (barring emergencies, of course) as you would one of those other commitments, as well.

  • Set yourself up for success! Lay your clothes out the night before. Have your water bottle ready to go. Put your yoga mat and studio shoes in the car ahead of time. Do everything that you can in the moments you are motivated to make it easier for yourself when the time comes, in case you need the extra push.

  • Listen to your body and soul. Sometimes what feels like a lack of motivation is really our body telling us that something is going on. Have you hydrated? Fueled? Have you taken a rest day? Motivation is a lot harder to come by when you have burnt yourself out. So while some days, “just do it anyway” is the way to go, make sure that you understand your body’s cues to understand if you are pushing through injury or fatigue that could cause you further complications if ignored.

  • Find an accountability partner. Tell someone where you are going and you are less likely to back out. Even better? Arrange to meet someone there! Connect with your Tribe, tell your Vibe Guide that you’ll be at their class, commit to another person and hype them up and you will be much less likely to back out on them!

And now we want to hear from you, VibeTribe! What keeps you moving and motivated? Tell us in the comments below!

Then grab a buddy and meet us at the Vault! Because one of the key things that keeps us going is YOU!


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