
We are stronger as a tribe. The key to connection and healing is curiosity; Asking brave questions. This blog is for the seekers and truth-tellers.

Shelley Shelley


What are boundaries and why do we have so much trouble setting them? Let’s explore how boundaries are a form of self care and how deepen our relationships and live authentically.

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Shelley Shelley

On Facing Fear

Courage is not the absence of fear. Rather, courage cannot exist without fear. Recognizing, acknowledging and facing our fears is the most courageous act on the path to growth and towards living a fulfilled and authentic life.

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Shelley Shelley

Commit to YOU

Why do we find it so much easier to honor our commitments to others than to truly commit to ourselves? Here are some tips and reminders for committing to yourself.

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Vibe Vault Vibe Vault


How do you stay motivated? We asked our Vibe Guides to share what keeps them moving on days when motivation is lacking.

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Shelley Shelley

Get Back To You

In a world that has taught us to hide our true selves in order to fit in, authenticity is an act of bravery. Uncover your true self and get Back To You!

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Vibe Vault Vibe Vault

Living in Alignment

It is time to reconnect with and recommit to your true inner self, a time to find out who you are and how to live in alignment with those discoveries.

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Vibe Vault Vibe Vault

When do you feel free?

As we wrap up our month-long exploration of freedom, we ask our Vibe Guides when they feel most free. Let’s see what they share!

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