What Are You Afraid Of? Vibe Guide Style

We have spent this month exploring the idea of fear. We know that fears can come in all shapes and sizes, that some fears are rational and others are not, and that fears can manifest in plenty of different and disruptive ways. We have also discussed the value of facing our fears and how doing so actively requires our brains to make us stronger and more resilient.

But now it’s time to see that in action.

Our Vibe Guides are our fearless leaders - full of encouragement and motivation, courage and strength. So we thought it might be fun to wrap up this month of facing fears by asking our Vibe Guides about times that they have faced and overcome fears. 

What follows are the unedited responses from our Vibe Guides. Each shared something, big or small, that has been impactful in their lives to this point, and we wanted to present it to you with minimal extra, as these anecdotes and stories are real, vulnerable and relatable to so many of us.


Studio Operator Jada shared about her recent endeavor into facing a fear.  ”Ok, so this month in facing my "fears," one thing I did was work to dress outside of my comfort zone. While I am a firm believer in body positivity, it can be really difficult to break the mindset of certain styles not being "for me". A BIG thing for me is showing my midsection. I know it sounds silly because literally everyone at the studio wears cropped tops, but for my entire life I have avoided wearing anything that shows my stomach. I've always been very self conscious of my belly. So I challenged myself to wear cropped tops to my SO shifts or just when taking classes. I worked up the nerve to wear one for my pop up class recently - something I NEVER would have done six months ago, and it would have been unthinkable a year ago. So while not earth shattering, it definitely was a way to challenge something that I was absolutely scared to try.” 

Power Fusion Vibe Guide Jess shared with us a fear related with a change we made in our teaching style as we expanded our class offerings to include online access. “I was terrified to begin teaching “facing the camera”. We (PiYo/Power Fusion) always faced the mirrors before the pandemic. I can’t imagine ever going back now! Love being able to interact more with our members.”

For Power Fusion Vibe Guide Christy, fear has affected her in other realms of her life, as well. “When I was in nursing school, I passed out during my first clinical experience. I was anxious, excited, probably dehydrated and hungry. I woke up on the floor and was terribly embarrassed. Someone in the ER actually said to me, “how are you ever going to be a nurse?” I broke down in tears and said “I don’t know.” I survived nursing school, despite other feelings of impending fainting, but through experiences and learning to listen to my body, I became increasingly comfortable in my profession, eventually becoming a critical care nurse and doing all sorts of things I never would have imagined were even a thing when I was in nursing school. Now, every time a student faints in their rotation on my unit (believe me, it happens a lot), I tell them my journey.”

Co-Owner and Vibe Guide Kristine also shared with us a fear she had to face to further her fitness career.  “I used to be so scared to sub classes. You never know what the reaction will be when the regular instructor is not there. I’m sure other vibe guides can relate! Or doing a new playlist for the first time hoping I don’t forget the 15 new songs the first time!!!”

Vibe Guide Jen M shared with us a similar fear, relating to expanding her repertoire of certifications and class offerings. “Dance fit (Zumba) was the first fitness format I ever became certified in. Even though I've added a few more certs under my belt since then and the process itself came with nerves and excitement, I'll tell a more recent story. Teaching my first Dance Fit class at Vibe back in April was totally anxiety-inducing. I remember it was on a Thursday - April 1st - and I thought everyone was going to think it was a complete April Fool's joke that I was teaching! I didn't sleep the week before as I was thinking of a playlist for class. and I didn't eat anything the whole day leading up to my class even though it didn't start till 7:15pm because I was simply too nervous to eat. I was on the verge of throwing up all day from nerves. I was visibly shaking trying to put the mic on before class. I remember walking to the side of the stage and even though people were watching me, I stopped to close my eyes and take a deep breath before I got up there.

I taught dance fitness almost my entire college career before this point - this shows that you can be experienced in something and still get nervous. It means you care. Yes, I may have taught a lot of dance fit classes at Vibe since that day almost 7 months ago, but that first one always gets me. The nerves were worth it once I knew I could do it / I saw how much fun we all had!”

Vibe Guide Lucy shared with us her experience with fear, along with a tip for helping others! “I’m extremely shy. For most of my early years I only spoke in front of a few people. My grandmother was my primary caretaker and would assure everyone I *COULD* talk.  No one believed her until I suddenly burst out into full sentences around 3 or 4. They still love to tease me. It’s 100% why I loved dance. No talking! And being tall always got me a spot in the back row. 

I’m still extremely shy but I finally got comfortable faking it in most situations until I truly am comfortable enough to be genuinely social. I often have to pretend I’m a very different version of myself when I’m stepping into new social situations. Or onto a stage to teach a class. My favorite advice (from Jenny Lawsons book, Furiously Happy) is “pretend you’re good at it”.

Anytime I’m feeling unsure I just try to pretend I’m not.”

Finally,  Co-Owner and Vibe Guide Dr B had this to share with us about her journey towards understanding and overcoming fears. “Honestly, I think fear has been a constant partner In my life. It's held me back from so much In my life and I've worked really hard to face it head on in the last several years. Even now I am still afraid of being on video, so of course I wait until the last minute every time I am due to record an on-demand video. I dread It so much and have to talk myself into It every time, but I am so relieved when it is done and proud of the fact that I actually did it. And guess what? I survived! These are the big fears that have been my more obvious nemeses in life.

There have been quieter fears, however, that I have only come to understand and recently started to address, and that's the fear of expressing my needs and opinions. I often feel I will be rejected when I do express them, so I have often stayed quiet. I almost pride myself into thinking I am a "go with the flow" person. That I am easy in that way. But why should "being easy" be equated with being "good"? It is another way we are gaslighted into suppressing our humanness. I'm trying now to practice saying what I want and what I believe in without feeling like I am asking too much, burdening someone, being demanding, or being unreasonable in some way. Part of that journey has been learning that I have value, and my thoughts and feelings have value.”

So as you can see, we all have fears that can affect us in many different ways in many different aspects of our lives. We are so grateful to our team for sharing their experiences with us and we hope that this has encouraged you to face one (or more!) of your fears!

We’d also like to take a moment, as we come to the end of this topic, to thank you for opening your minds and hearts to the exploration of this theme. Fear plays a role in everyone’s life and can either motivate us into action or paralyze us from progress. While these were just a few specific stories about fears experienced by our Vibe Guides, the true message here is that fear affects us all, and it is truly brave and empowering to take the steps to face those fears. Our Vibe Guides’ stories show that we can use these moments not only to empower ourselves, but others as well.

Share with us in the comments - what is one way you have overcome a fear?


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On Facing Fear