When do you feel free?

This month we have explored the idea of freedom and what it means to us as individuals, as a community and as humans living in the world at large.  We’ve talked a lot about the idea in its many different forms, and about how to create, cultivate and promote freedom.

Before we move away from our “Free your VIBE” theme, there was one more burning question that we really wanted to pursue - the feeling of freedom within each one of us!

So we turned to our Vibe Guides and asked them one seemingly simple question:

When do you feel most free?

Let’s see what they had to say!


It will come as no surprise that Vibe Guide and leader of our very own Pound Posse feels most free  “...when I’m in my car by myself with the radio all the way up and the windows down.” Rocking out to loud music and the wind in her hair? Yes!

Our Power Fusion team finds freedom in vacation and time away.  

According to Vibe Guide Jess, “I feel most free when I can escape reality on vacation. Especially if I’m laying on the beach or by the pool.”  

And for Vibe Guide Christy, “I feel most free when I leave work and know I’m officially on vacation.  There is almost a skip in my step as I’m walking to my car!”

Vibe Guide Lucy also finds freedom in escape, sharing that she feels most free “...when I have unplanned free time and the weather is nice - spontaneous days of playing hookie.” She also finds a sense of freedom in being able to let go, telling us that she appreciates “...public transit and air planes, something about going somewhere and the ride is totally out of your control so you can just enjoy.”

Other Vibe Guides find their freedom in nature and the outside world.
Personal Trainer Melissa said “I feel most free in nature and traveling alone. Gives me peace to just be me.”

Similarly, Studio Operator Alena shared  that she finds freedom “...outside in nature—specifically when there are no other people to be seen, dancing, and when I’m with people who accept me as I am”

And Yoga Vibe Guide Amy L tells us “I feel most free out in nature and also dancing in the studio.”

Vibe Guide Amy D shares “I feel most free when I am present in body and mind. Not overthinking the past or worrying about the future.”

And then there are the Vibe Guides whose sense of freedom connects them with this tribe! For many on staff, and we think this will resonate with many of our tribe, freedom is found through movement.

Studio Operator and Vibe Guide Jada told us “I feel most free when I am dancing. It doesn't matter where I am or what was putting me in turmoil - the second I start to move to music, everything else just melts away.”

Vibe Guide and Social Media Coordinator Jen M agrees. “I feel the most free when I’m dancing.  And that seems rather generic because we all work at a fitness studio that has dance fit classes every day.  But I really mean simply moving.  Moving in a way that feels good for your body is absolutely intoxicating.  I’m so grateful for movement.  It is so easy to forget the stress of your day or even of your LIFE through dancing.  I have often had moments in which nothing else could tear me apart from the thoughts of my mind — and yet dancing was still able to do so.  I love performing.  I love the stage.  I grew up in that environment.  The energy is almost tactile.  It’s addicting.  It almost feels reverent in a way.  I believe it feels that way because it’s what I’m supposed to be doing.  I believe when you use your gifts in a way that help and influence others around you, you feel the most free because you know that’s what you’re supposed to be doing.  What you were MADE to do.  And that’s an indescribable feeling I wish I could give to everyone so they could know what it feels like, too.”

We couldn’t agree more.

So tell us, Vibe Tribe - when do YOU feel most free?


Living in Alignment


Creating Freedom