Creating Freedom

Free your vibe.

Find your inner freedom.

We are tackling a very big and very important concept this month.

But it has me thinking.

The way we generally approach the concept of finding personal and inner freedom is as though there is a path. A journey. A series of steps that, while not identical for each individual, will lead us to this thing we know as freedom.

Looking at it this way, it gives the impression that freedom is a destination that we are all seeking, following an internal treasure map looking for that beautiful “x marks the spot” that will bring us the long-sought reward. Some sort of paradise that, if we can only find the right route, we will find.


But what if we are going about this all wrong? What if freedom isn’t a destination...

What if freedom is the journey that we take? 

Here’s the thing. Freedom means something a little bit different to everyone, and is often multi-faceted even for each individual. It is also not a static concept - as we grow, learn, meet new people and have new experiences, our understanding of freedom will morph, adapt and change.

What if freedom means finding a new path - creating it if you have to.  What if it means fighting for what you believe in, and working to create  a world better than the one that was presented to us by others. What if freedom means permission to be different today than you were yesterday. What if it means grace for not knowing. For trying. For making mistakes as you go along.

What if freedom isn’t something that you find - what if it is something that you get to create again and again, with every choice, every decision, in every moment of every day? What if it is a continuous process with new depth and opportunity in every moment?

So celebrate your freedom in every form. But don’t lock yourself into a singular definition or set of rules, or else you are creating a new form of confinement. Create a freedom that is flexible enough to truly set you free.


When do you feel free?


Becoming Free: Cultivating Inner Freedom