Living in Alignment

I’m pretty sure that we can all agree that the last year and a half have thrown us all for a loop.

We’ve had to change the way we do pretty much everything, and that has changed the way we think about everything. We’ve had to do a lot of reacting, a lot of adjusting, a lot of compensating, a lot of recalibrating, a lot of modifying and a lot of rearranging. It’s changed the way we shop, the way we exercise, the way we socialize, the way we celebrate, the way we educate - it’s changed the way we live.

For the majority of the world, these changes occurred abruptly. One day life felt normal, then the next day the world was upside down. And we didn’t know what to do.

I mean, we knew what we were expected to do. And we tried. We really did. And in a lot of ways, we succeeded. We learned on the fly and we made it work as best as we could.

But now that it’s been a hot second and we are dipping our toes back into the “let’s get back to how it used to be” waters, something feels… different. Wonky. Out of whack. 

We’ve been knocked out of alignment. In so many ways.


Living in alignment means making sure that our actions are representative of our intentions, that the way we live our lives is authentic to the way we want to be living.

And when we are in a situation where our only alternative is to react, it changes the way that we make our decisions, the way we choose our actions.

While we cannot control the world around us, we can choose to recommit to ourselves, and to do our best to live in alignment with our own values, even in hard times.

Join us all this month as we explore the idea of alignment - physically, mentallly, spiritually and emotionally.  Let’s work together to identify our own rhythms and needs, and to support each other, allowing ourselves to live lives that match who we truly are and who we have the capacity to become. 

Let go of “shoulds.” Let go of the idea that our movements have to look like those of anyone else. Let go of the notion that your choices need to be the same as anyone else’s. This month’s journey will help you uncover your true self - the you that exists outside of the expectations of others or commitments to the outside world.

Breathe deep and focus on what feels right for you at this moment.

Live free. Live aligned.


Do More For Your Core!


When do you feel free?